How to Join

The membership fee for the academic year is:

Full Members (i.e. members in full-time employment) €30.00/year
Associate Members (i.e. part-timers, retired colleagues) €15.00/year
Postgraduate Members €15.00/year
Postgraduate 5-year membership (once-off payment) €25.00
Life membership for retired members (once-off payment) €80.00

Please fill out the application form (download here) and email it to our secretary:

Payments can be made by a cheque made payable to “The German Studies Association of Ireland”, posted to the Treasurer:

Dr Tina-Karen Pusse
Department of German
Arts Millennium Building
NUI, Galway

Alternatively, you may choose to set up a standing order. Please complete this form and hand it in to your bank. You can also do this online, using the following details:


IBAN: IE84BOFI90401846850553

Reference: Membership, [your name]